Magnolia HS




(Education Code §§35183 and 35183.5)

The Board of Trustees recognizes its obligation to provide an educational environment that will prepare students for the responsibilities necessary for successful and productive adult life. While on campus, or at any school-sponsored event, students and guests shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that reflects good taste and decency, and will not detract from or interfere with the educational environment, instructional program, general morale, or image of the school. All dress must be modest, neat, clean, and consistent with legal provisions. Shoes must be worn at all times. Any gang-related apparel, if worn or displayed on a school campus may be determined to threaten the health/safety of the school environment.

The following are not allowed on campus or at any school-sponsored event:

1. Dress, grooming, or accessories which:

                1.1 Are considered unsafe, dangerous, or a health hazard;

                1.2 contains offensive or obscene symbols, signs, or slogans degrading any cultural, religious, or ethnic values;

                1.3 contains language or symbols oriented toward sex, drugs, violence, alcohol, or tobacco;

                1.4 contain gang, tagger, crew, and/or clique symbols or display gang colors or clothing which denotes gang, tagger, crew, and/or clique affiliation.

2. Shoulderless or tube/halter tops, clothes exposing the midsection, shorts that expose the buttocks, or excessively baggy or tight-fitting clothing.

Upon district approval, schools may add additional, more specific dress requirements in order to maintain a safe learning environment.

Each school site will allow the use of sunscreen and approved sun-protective headwear to be worn outdoors.

Schools may establish an Academic Attire Policy that requires students to wear a certain type/color of clothing as approved by the school site. Academic Attire waivers are made available at each site.

Consistent with the general philosophy of this district, the responsibility for the proper attire of all students attending classes in the Anaheim Union High School District rests with the parents/guardians.

The responsibility for enforcing this dress and grooming code rests with the classroom teachers, counselors, and administrators on each campus. Violations of this code will be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of §48900 through §48925 of the California Education Code. Specifically, failure to adhere to the provisions of this dress and grooming code will be considered a violation of §48900(k) which provides for the suspension or expulsion of pupils if they have “disrupted school activities or otherwise defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.’’

MHS Dress Code Policy:

Students may not wear any clothing item that:

  • Contains offensive or obscene symbols, signs, or slogans degrading any cultural, religious, or ethnic values.
  • Contains language or symbols oriented toward sex, drugs, violence, alcohol, or tobacco.
  • Contains gang, tagger, crew, and/or clique symbols or displays gang colors or clothing which denotes gang, tagger, crew, and/or clique affiliation.
  • Have shoulder-less or tube/halter tops, clothes exposing the midsection (stomach/back), shorts that expose the buttocks, or excessively baggy or tight-fitting clothing.
  • All undergarments must be covered at all times and the straps on the student’s shirt must cover undergarments as well. 

Procedures for Attire Violation:

Step 1: For any student who will comply, send the student to the office with a hall pass indicating that the student is in violation of the dress code.  A campus safety aide or administrator will have the student change. 

Step 2: If available, have an aide walk the student to the main office (copier area) and inform office staff that the student violates the dress code.  A campus safety aide or administrator will have the student change. 

Step 3:  Call the main office to have a campus safety aide walk the student to the front office.  The campus safety aide will have the student change. 

Procedure for Hats:

Step 1: The teacher will confiscate the hat and hold on to the hat until the end of the day. Students may pick up hats from you at the end of the day. Please log the incident in Aeries under “Visitations”.

Step 2: If a student is unwilling to turn a hat into a teacher, call the main office to have a campus safety aide collect the hat.  The campus safety aide will give the hat to the student's assigned administrator. Students may collect hats from administrators at the end of the day. Incidents will be logged in Aeries under “Visitation”/”Assertive Discipline”. 


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