Magnolia HS

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once you click on any one of the following links, you will leave this website. Please note that we are not responsible for any content posted on these websites or the design of these websites.

Articles on Parent Involvement in Schools from UCLA
UCLA's Quick Find Online Clearinghouse supplies professional articles on a variety of topics related to parents' involvement in schools.

Bibliography of Parent Involvement Studies
Sponsored by CADRE. The Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) works to increase the nation's capacity to effectively resolve special education disputes, reducing the use of expensive adversarial processes. CADRE works with state and local education and early intervention systems, parent centers, families and educators to improve programs and results for children with disabilities. CADRE is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the US Department of Education to serve as the National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education.

California Department of Education
Your best resource for standards, frameworks, and test score reporting.

Child and Family Web Guide
The Child and Family Web Guide is sponsored by Tufts University. The WebGuide is a directory that evaluates, describes and provides links to hundreds of sites containing child development research and practical advice. Topics are selected on the basis of parent recommendations; they cover all ages, from early child development through adolescence

National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education
When Schools and families work together to support learning, everyone benefits.

National PTA
Membership is open to anyone who believes in the Mission and Purposes of National Parent Teacher Association. Individual members may belong to any number of PTAs and pay dues in each. Every person who joins a local PTA automatically becomes a member of both the state and National PTAs.

Parent Information from OCDE
The Orange County Department of Education Parent Information page.

Parenting Teens

ParentingTeensNetwork is a communications company focused on producing responsible and appropriate communications for parents and teens. We seek to improve the dialogue between parents and teens about important issues like health and wellness, relationships, technology and media, education, finances and more.



  1. Why Try: The Parent Guide to Resilience

  1. Search Institute: Bringing Out the Best in Your Family

  1. Suicide Prevention - Know the Signs 

  1. Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus  (Autocuidado en la época del coronavirus)

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Parents Resources (Estrés y ansiedad: recursos para padres)

Local Resources (recursos locales) 

LINK: OC Warmline - (714) 991-6412

Now available 24/7 - Call, text or chat anytime!

The OC WARMLINE provides emotional support 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. This is a free and confidential telephone service providing emotional support and resources to Orange County residents.

ENLACE: OC Warmline - (714) 991-6412

Ahora disponible las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana: ¡llama, envía mensajes de texto o chatea en cualquier momento!

El OC WARMLINE brinda apoyo emocional las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Este es un servicio telefónico gratuito y confidencial que brinda apoyo emocional y recursos a los residentes del Condado de Orange

LINK: Peer Connector Program

PEER CONNECTOR is a weekly telephone-based mentoring program where we pair you up with one of our trained mentors at a prearranged time that is convenient for you. Your experienced mentor will offer practical advice, support, and resources during your calls. The Peer Connector program is designed for both peers and family members. To sign up, click here.

ENLACE: Programa de Peer Connector

PEER CONNECTOR es un programa semanal de mentores por teléfono en el que te emparejamos con uno de nuestros mentores capacitados en un horario preestablecido que sea conveniente para ti. Su mentor experimentado le ofrecerá consejos prácticos, apoyo y recursos durante sus llamadas. El programa Peer Conector está diseñado tanto para compañeros como para miembros de la familia. Para registrarse, haga clic aquí .

LINK: NAMI Orange County has gone VIRTUAL!

LINK: Support Groups

LINK: Events Calendar

We are now offering all Online Classes, Support Groups, and Events via Zoom

NAMI Orange County is here for those who are in need of support, compassion, and empowerment. Sign up below a Signature Class, Support Groups, and view our Calendar for Special Events and Seminars.

ENLACE: ¡El condado de Orange de NAMI se ha vuelto VIRTUAL!

ENLACE: Grupo de apoyo

ENLACE: Calendario de eventos

Ahora ofrecemos todas las clases en línea, grupos de apoyo y eventos a través de Zoom

NAMI Orange County está aquí para aquellos que necesitan apoyo, compasión y empoderamiento. Regístrese debajo de una clase exclusiva, grupos de apoyo y vea nuestro calendario de eventos y seminarios especiales.

LINK: COVID-19 and Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. Social distancing can make people feel isolated and increase stress and anxiety. Learning more about COVID-19 and reducing stress with good self-care skills can help navigate this new normal.

ENLACE: COVID-19 y salud mental

La pandemia de COVID-19 puede ser estresante para las personas. El miedo y la ansiedad por una nueva enfermedad y lo que podría suceder pueden ser abrumadores y provocar emociones fuertes. El distanciamiento social puede hacer que las personas se sientan aisladas y aumenten el estrés y la ansiedad. Aprender más sobre COVID-19 y reducir el estrés con buenas habilidades de cuidado personal puede ayudarle a navegar por esta nueva normalidad.

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