Magnolia HS

Healthy Students Learn Better at 

Magnolia High School

Health Office Information:

(714) 220-4240 phone 
(714) 220-4233 fax
Dora Velasquez
Health Technician
Veronica Medina, RN
District Nurse
The Health Office staff at Magnolia High School is here to advocate for health.
We believe healthy students learn better and we can often assist with accessing health care. 
About Us
Magnolia High School is staffed with a Health Technician, trained in first aid and CPR, who is on campus from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm daily. The primary role of the Health Technician is to provide basic first aid for unexpected injuries, to assist with medications when it is determined they must be given at school; and to maintain health records on all students enrolled.  The School Nurse oversees health services at several school sites in the AUHSD and can be reached by cell phone during school hours. 
Health Office Visits
Except in the case of an emergency, all students must have a pass from their teacher to visit the Health Office.  Walk-in's during the passing period will be returned to class for a pass. 
Communication with the Attendance and Health Office is important.  No student will be allowed to leave with another person (even a relative) unless that person is listed as an emergency contact if the parent/guardian cannot be reached first.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep their emergency contact information current.
Drugs and Alcohol
We intend to make Magnolia High School a safe place for everyone. Our policies are those of the Anaheim Union High School District as set forth by the Board of Trustees. We will enforce the rules and laws regarding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Drugs include alcohol, marijuana, other controlled substances (As well as over the counter medication), and edibles. It also includes pipes, bongs, or any other paraphernalia. Students in possession of drugs or alcohol, regardless of how they were acquired, will be suspended for 5 days, arrested and will be recommended for transfer to another school or expulsion. Students that give or sell drugs, in any amount, will be suspended for 5 days, arrested, and recommended for expulsion. Students that are under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or any school event will be suspended for 5 days, arrested and will be transferred to another school or recommended for expulsion. Students should be reminded that possession of drugs/alcohol on the way to or from school or at any school-sponsored event shall be treated the same as possession on campus. Students who are under a Doctor's care and require prescription medication throughout the day, or to participate in school events like games, and field trips must have their guardians, and doctors complete the appropriate request for medication forms two weeks before the event is scheduled. All medicine brought in to school by accident should be turned into the school's health clerk. The school health clerk will secure and dispense all medication per doctor's orders or will call guardians for pickup of unauthorized brought in medications.
All medications and/or forms should be taken directly to the Health Office located in the Main Office.  If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach Dora Velasquez, the Health Technician, at 714-220-4240.  By law, the school staff cannot administer or distribute any medication to students or staff members, including over-the-counter medication. Our Health Technician is to follow doctor's orders when administering medications. If parents need assistance with this process, we can help, please ask.
In compliance with Ed. Code Section 49423, no medication will be accepted or administered at school without all of the following conditions being met:
1. A written statement signed by the licensed authorized health care provider/dentist specifying the reason for the medication, the name, dosage, time, route, side effect; and specific instructions for emergency treatment must be on file at school.  
2. A signed request from the parent/guardian must be on file at school.
3. Sealed medication must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian or another responsible adult.
4. Medication must be in your child's original, labeled pharmacy container written in English.
5. All liquid medication must be accompanied by an appropriate measuring device.
6. If pill splitting is required to obtain the correct dose of medication to be administered, only pills that are scored may be split, scored pills may be split in half only, and a commercial pill-splitting device should be used for correct splitting, and provided by the student's guardian.
7. Over the counter medication that has been prescribed by an authorized health care provider must be in its original container.
8. A separate form is required for each medication.
Please let the Health Office know if your child has a Life-Threatening illness such as diabetes, seizure disorders, or severe allergies (Bees/Food/Medication). We want to be prepared to provide safe care for your child.

To enable us to provide safe care for your child at school, please submit the required, completed form(s) to the health office table at registration or the time of enrollment:



Note: If you would like your student to carry their own EpiPen/Antihistamine, your Health Care Provider must initial the Medication at School form in the designated area.

Note: TB (PPD) Skin tests and Chest X-rays done outside the US are not acceptable.  If coming from out of the country (US) students must obtain a new TB test or X-Ray Result. If students are coming from out of the county they must have had their TB, and/or updated Chest X-Ray within the year if it is not they should be sent to get an assessment from the AUHSD Health Office. More information available below.
Request for Medication Form, PMR Form, TB, and Immunization Requirements see resource box below


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